Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Turkey, constructed with rice krispie treats

Reason #48 for why my office is FUN.


penelope said...

And no, it does not look like doo-doo. Those are chocolate-swirl chips on top--it's very creative! And I can only do so much with lighting with a cell phone camera.

Kim said...

I don't know, I still kind of see doo-doo. But you have to admit, even a turkey-shaped doo-doo is pretty impressive!

Kurt said...

Rice crispie treats!

mendacious said...

um, no it looks gross. next time put it under a harsh focused light, that way it will highlight its features more. surely the tin foil doesn't help matters. did anyone see "the sweetest thing?"

penelope said...

Hey! Be nice...

Though that was one of the funniest scenes, ever.