So really I don't know what to blog about either, so I'm going to make a list of the randoms that have popped into my head over the last few days while planning and executing a Thanksgiving Dinner for 10.
1. Reason to celebrate: Successfully planned and executed Thanksgiving Dinner for 10! And everything was tasty, too. And my family even cleaned the kitchen for me before they left. And there are leftovers, too, mmmmm, leftovers. Here is me scooping stuffing from the ginormous bird:

2. Today I've done Officially Nothing, including changing out of pajamas. It is so nice. I watched a few movies, took a nap during one (Team America--must return to later), considered for one tiny moment fighting the post-holiday crowds, and then rejected said idea as pure insanity. Even though those Target commercials with Kermit are terribly cute.
3. I'm back in love with Gilmore Girls. It's not perfect, but when is it ever, really. Rory and Lorelai on speaking terms. Christopher being back, but not to mess things up. The setup for Emily to completely blow a gasket once she finds out about Rory's entire Yale bill being footed. Jokes at Kirk's expense. More than one line allotted to Lane. Logan done and over with. Happy sigh.
4. I'm still sort of hating Ana Lucia on Lost. I mean, when she appears on the screen now, I have managed to refrain from my former "IhateherIhateherIhateher" chant. They've done well with developing character and at least semi-justifying the gigantic chip on her shoulder. But she still killed Shannon. She's still a mega-bitch. She plays with guns entirely too much. I don't know. Maybe next week's episode will do a little more justice to Kate, too. I really want to like that one.
5. I'm finally horrified by the amount of cutting that was done to a Harry Potter book in order to make a movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm all die-hard Potter, and I did love the movie. Daniel Radcliffe (aside from the haircut) is on his way to becoming hot. And I know, I know--cuts have to be made for pacing, for effect, etc. I have always defended the movies in the past. But geez. This book was basically pared down to the three TriWizard tasks and the Yule Ball. No house elfs, no Ludo Bagman, no Dursley's? Wow. And on a side-note, not a big fan of Moody's strap-on magical eye.
6. What in the hell is with those Neo-Nazi twins that have been all over the mag shows like Inside Edition. The last thing I want in my head is a squeaky yet enthusiastic rendition of "Strike Force." For the love of God. I don't even know what else to say about that.
7. Happier subject. The coolest lamp ever now sits on the nursery side table. I pay it visits several times daily:

8. It's now the Countdown to Christmas, yippeeeeeee! Yes, I admit. I'm a total sucker for all things Christmas.
9. And if ever I'm not in the mood to laugh, all I have to do is look at this:

Logan is gone: Great.
One more minute of Jess: unendurable.
why such logan haters? sure they can't all be perfect reincarnations of the one perfect "tristin" from season 1 but we have to punt.
cant we all also agree that ana lucia sucks ass and needs to be killed immediately. i hated her in resident evil and i hate her now. die. just die. and take kate with you. there is no warming this block of hate-ice.
and that's all you had to say about team america? that's IT?
i'm off to till the soil- M.
TAWP: The songs "Montage" and "I'm Lonely" are classics.
Offcial name of song: "I'm So Ronery"
Hmmm, yeah, I didn't really Tristan, either? Chad Michael Murray is just too much of a goof for me. I can't take him seriously, just because I hear he walks around Wilmington with his collar high and his head low, all to fend off the rabid ladies. Because we all want him.
um you know you do and this pre-whats-his-name hype. he was completely badboy charming season 1.
and those songs are classic indeed!! southpark in fact, this season alone... genius.
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