i was quite fond of hercules and zena, the earlier years- and perusing for my media hungry blog i found this pic. there was another very cool one with an "adam" type figure entwined by a snake, but i didn't want to go THAT far back. I wanted to mention what i just this morning found out about the house across the street... 2 deaths. 1 suicide. 1 accidental death. i'm beginning to think the dark nature of the house just got a whole lot darker- According to neighbor and fellow archery affecinado, Pat, who lives a house down from them and has lived there longer than my parents have lived here. While Dad and his manservant John tended to corroded wires on the battery of my car, mom and pat chatted about the goings on across the street. I said, what's with THAT house? And that led me to what I know now. There was a mom, a step-dad and 2 kids. Apparently the step-dad(back in 73) threatened to take pills and kill himself after a vicious fight with his wife. No one checked on him until he was already cold- and everyone else was in the other room. A generation down, a man, let's call him Frank, (who was the son or a cousin of the woman) lived there with his girlfriend, and his girlfriend had an asthma attack and died... pat said all the trouble began with the sawed-off shotgun guy but i informed her that when i was young the weed was high as an elephants eye and apparently the dark waters were already deep by then- so when frank's daughter sam got pregnant by 16 i just shrugged my shoulders and thought- weird how i used to help her count out pennies from a water jug, which she never paid attention to, and coveted her doll clothes. And now she's the one who lives in the house. Although whenever i see them i can't recognize her, with all the cop cars and dorito chips, but i'm looking- and i want to tell her to get out while she can- that or burn the baby down, maybe with some sage and a good soul scrubbing.
That house is trouble.
Love your writing.
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