As a kid i knew that it was creepy over there- maybe because of the rank pot smell, but more specifically the whole house contained a dark vibe. Since then the original owners have moved out but have retained ownership and rent it out. Except for one couple who had a baby and were trying to get their lives back on track- there have been a series of renters related to or somehow connected to the owners- who all have the cops called to their house- THIS house. The first one that I can recall was a brother or uncle, sort a tujunga white trash vibe. He actually drew the worst heat I've seen there, as there was a police helicopter, 4 cop cars... and they hauled his ass away along with his saw-ed off shot guns and his bags of dope. Good times!
This last group of people started off innocuously enough- young couple with child. Then some response calls started coming in- you get a little worried especially when the LAPD starts coming in 2's and late in the night but not that LATE. And these are just the calls I've been coming home to see. So yesterday the K-9 unit was parked the wrong way on the street. There was 1 remaining cop car and 2 undercover units. 4 cops 1 k-9 cop and 3 girls. I've seen these girls before, they hang out in their pajamas. And they were made to sit in a car and when they got out one girl had a bag of doritos in her hand. If you were made to sit in a car while the cops searched your entire house, cars and backyard with a k-9 unit would you take a bag of doritos with you? Would that be constrewing things a little too normal aka "business as usual"...? Like I guess I'll just snack on this shit because i don't know HOW LONG their going to be??
And i guess despite all the nefarious, off the margain, criminals that seem to inhabit that den of inequity- we have as yet to be on COPS... that would be like finally showcasing my neighborhood for the pretty ghetto it is. Who said I'm not on the wrong side of the tracks. I can tell you where they are.
When you have to choose between Doritos and pants, pick Doritos.
yah i guess i have to agree. they are tasty. and you might as well be able to lick your fingers like you could give A fuck- cops aint' gonna find my stash- sucka's!
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