Sunday, November 27, 2005

ah, the mulched yard
and, i mean i really GET biblical analogies about nature. I mean get it. Hands down. It takes work to maintain land, let alone the soul... That whole analogy of the seed being spread on 4 different types of land KILLS ME everytime. When it says reap and sow- i know how hard that is. That's work. that's not just a picture of a scythe and a peasant or baskets of produce. maybe the problem is more people should labor. i know i should. but look at the color of those roses. that's fantastic. the dead grass we're working on. i think mom's philosophy is that things should die in winter or hybirnate... we have the leafless peach tree and there are some bare patches of mulch so, that's not so much... i guess i can give her dead grass, but if it were me, there'd be more plush opulant grass and vines... and the whole place would be full... mom prefers extremes. we're currently working on balance.

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