There's this new NC driving law they keep advertising for on TV to let you know: give pedestrians the right away and DON'T TURN ON RED if you see one coming. I'm not really sure how this is different from whatever law was in place before, or how it changes the rules of your typical common courtesy in not running people over and/or scaring the bejeezus out of them. I guess a lot of people don't have common courtesy, which is why they would have to make a law. And everyone messes up--I try not to scare people out on the streets, but I know I do, sometimes. And sometimes, it's a little fun.
If you do violate this law, the big thing is that you get 4 points on your license. Points are bad, you don't want them. But what confused me the first several times I saw the commercial--and let's keep in mind that I'm not all with it these days--is, like, how do they determine that you violated the law?
I mean, it occurs to me now that a cop would catch you in the act of blazing through a pedestrian's path, watch the pissed-off and/or terrified pedestrian flip you off, and then proceed to pull you over. But initially, they sort of made it sound like the evidence would be in the dead or injured body. Like, clearly you violated the pedestrian right-away law by turning on red, because there's a bruised, battered, and possibly dead man lying here in the street to prove it.
And for that, shouldn't you be worried about a little bit more than 4 points on your license?
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