i thought maybe after reading the title that i was creating a blog about what to do when you've reached that certain age... or possibly if i'd thought about the "kingdom of heaven" being at hand. but alas no. if you recall from august and my seaweed collecting expeditions that I took topanga canyon over the pass and met with horribly slow ox carts, plaguing my existence and causing my temple vein to bulge. This time it was different- windows down, the lead car was fantastic... music playing. It was an ultimate canyon drive. UNTL the bus. CAME out of NOWHERE... and proceeded to teeter under 30 all the way there. Luckily it was empty and veronica mars was no where to be seen. Plus we were already half way thru the canyon and there were no dramatic, plunging drops, and while pondering what a bus was doing there - we couldn't fault it, not like lame- i can't drive, drivers, who take turns at 10miles an hour. So despite the bus the ride was good and couldn't diminish the vibe- and i arrived at the beach for at least 40 minutes of reading and staring into the abyss, until the warm sun made me wish I'd brought a bathing suit and I abandoned the warm sands for an even better phillycheesesteaksandwich from Dagwoods. My boss, herr director, said eh?! what a life! I thought, yah, it is. A better life maybe if i didn't have anywhere to go after, like work, and dvcam footage of orphans but alas. We can't all have what we want.
You went to the beach and didn't invite me!
if only i knew who you were...
Veronica Mars lives right by the beach, but she never goes there! Except for when they had that gang fight.
it's a tragic use of the beach no? i mean if they embraced more offset shooting they could have like 90210 meets perry mason- or maybe murder she wrote. oh yah. i like.
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