Friday, August 15, 2008

Have They Seen My Show?

Apparently my friends don't watch my show or read animal facts Wednesday. It's odd because these 2 are like what I would consider "cautious" people- they over use hand sanitizer for instance, they don't burn cd's for fear of how its "stealing" ... and yet for some reason they think putting themselves in mortal danger is totally cool? (Shrug.) Alright. As long as you get it on video. At least no one was allowed in the cage with the lion...?
This is my friend Kerry tonguing a Giraffe. I am not particularly cool with this, because also she has not seen my show either and its fairly gross. But it is a pretty fucking cool picture.
I don't really know this guy except that like he's with my friends in Kenya. But whatever. He also has not seen my show. But somehow this is the least dangerous looking one of all.


Andria said...

totally great pictures, though.

penelope said...

your show is not for the sensitive. but then, neither is tonguing giraffes.

i do heart your animal facts wednesday!

Kurt said...

Awesome giraffe frenching! And cute bear.

mendacious said...

you see what i'm saying?! kurt would NEVER say that.

Anonymous said...

How cool would it be if they got some great your-show-worthy footage and sent it to you directly and then they used it and promoted you and doubled your salary and you paid off all your debt and you could buy health insurance.

ashley said...

Does The Kurt ever say "awesome" followed by an exclamation point? I think not.

Anonymous said...


~sarah said...

kerry totally let that giraffe suck on her face like 5 or 6 times because everyone was so freaked by it that they had to see it again and take a photo. she also almost got her hand ripped off by a monkey in a cage. and no, we were not in the cage with the lion. but yes, we did stand about 5 feet and a ditch away from a giant rhino. and yeah, what was with dragging us over to the cheetah while it was eating? i mean, i had a dress on. a dress, legs exposed. and they put me by it's head! and then there was the baboon attack, which really would have made it on your show if only matt had flipped on the record button before he had to kick it in the face.

i was careful as i could be though, having seen clips from the show. giraffes like you to scratch them behind the horns.