Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Animal Facts Wednesday

Instead of complaining about how many people are killed by moose each year or my own near encounters when I was a camp counselor in Alaska I decided to have another guest write in for the weird animal facts of today all about: CHICKENS.

brought to you by, Somebody's Mom and some chick from that sunset mag who looked up the facts named Elizabeth and of course the magical internet.
  1. Even without a male, hens lay eggs because hello that's what they do. Plus roosters are hella noisy. Our neighbors have roosters and I totally agree.
  2. A chicken closes its eyelids from the bottom.
  3. If you rub a chicks chest it'll totally mellow out.
  4. Fav food by chicks: wild fennel and hot green chilies: who knew they couldn't taste the spicy.
  5. Stupid hens will confuse you with a rooster.
  6. Adult hens usually lay an egg a day.
Also I'm totally for free range chicken and organic and i can't get rid of that image of how they kill chickens for fastfood places. It fairly freaks me out. Thank god I only read the kids version of FastFoodNation. Shite.

All hail chickens!

More facts if you can't get enough:
  • A hen lives an average of 5-7 years, but can live up to 20 years. She'll lay eggs her entire life, with production decreasing every year from year one."
  • Alektorophobia is the name given to "The Fear of Chickens".
  • Americans consume 8 billion chickens a year.
  • There are over 150 varieties of domestic chickens.
  • Chickens were domesticated about 8000 years ago.
  • A rooster takes 18-20 breaths a minute, a hen 30-35.
  • All domestic chickens can be genetically traced to Gallus Gallus, The Red Jungle Fowl.
  • A hen lives an average of 5-7 years, but can live up to 20 years. She'll lay eggs her entire life, with production decreasing every year from year one.
  • I think they can run like 9 miles an hour?
  • My favorite chicken is crispy chicken with ranch.
  • I have never in fact killed a chicken but I have vague memories of plucking one at a ranch. But it could've been in a book I read.


penelope said...

i'm completely bewildered by the idea of rubbing a chicken's chest to calm it down. like how do you get that close?

our first for-real guest writer!! yay!

penelope said...

or is it just the babies that you can calm down...

Kurt said...

Cute Bear!

mendacious said...

you see, that's what i'm saying, KURT would never say that.

(though sarcasm does go far with me.)