Monday, March 29, 2010


Hello you. Whereever you are. Sure i'm coming down from being a fly on your wall to being wrenched back to my own world and not so much flyish but a sad blob. There's no food in the fridge either. I should probably go shopping. I did manage to buy like 3 boxes of popsicles. And i had a last packet of oatmeal for breakfast. I'm up unusually early. So in this time i've already watered the pots and am watering a portion of the yard and rescued 4 slowgrowing poppies from the mutant snapdragons and have come up with a list of to-do 4 spring as the garden goes fulltilt. Also i need to clean the garage. But first things first- those necklaces, a whole bunch of necklaces. Once i finish the last one of the easter faire, i'll have an almost 2 month break before the next ones are due. Give me a chance to catch up on the other ones. Not related to the next or the first, or the last or whichever, but ones I still need to do. So many I have that it is a wonder what exactly I've been doing with my time. Doing the warrior dash and going to Chi- that's what. I know that's next. And by next i mean in 2 wks.

Anyway, what else to say, i'll just keep rambling. Did you finish everything you were going to finish? I'm listening to some lovely chanting, haunting the halls type melodies. It's called the 11,000 virigns: Chants for the feast of st. ursula. I don't know who ursula is but i can only hope the food was good, because the singing is so sweet and sad. I am not sure whether it pulls me to death or to drink in the sweet sunshine of life.



~sarah said...

You know... my birthday was almost 3 months ago and I still have nothing lovely of yours to hang round my neck. I did so love the piece your mom made though, so i request something similar in it's delicateness please. : )

also, the easter necklaces i saw were very lovely! you've got a good thing going there!!!

mendacious said...

if its any consolation cathy has been waiting for 5 months.

(but mental noted)