Friday, March 5, 2010


I bought like 3 lbs of raw almonds. They are from Costco (baking aisle! tricks of the trade, you know), and are rather fabulous. They do satisfy. I’m almost over the chocolate detox, the need for something sweet after a meal – it’s waning, at least. I still get light-headed when K.Lo has Golden Oreos. I still feel yearning when I unwrap a piece of chocolate for the children. And I still wonder post-Lent, will I be able to sort of reign it all in and limit indulgence? Having a few pieces of chocolate and calling it a day? Or will I return to sugar-by-the-fistful snarfing monsterhood. Which is kind of fun, I’ll be honest. Just not necessarily a good way to live?

And I’ll work on the menu soon. Food supplies. Whatnot. Just a note to self to begin thinking about it, because: EIGHT DAYS!

Hey, you know what sucks this week? Money. Doesn’t it always suck? But this week, especially. I mean … I won’t even get into the details, but what, oh what is the Universe attempting to teach me at the moment, I wonder. To trust, I suppose. And I do. Yet I struggle with patience. My request is that we find what it is we are supposed to do. Sooner rather than later (because hasn’t it been long enough?), but you know.

Our city is talking about dying the river green. I don’t know if it will happen, and perhaps it’s not in line with environmental ideals, but hell, isn’t it just fun sometimes? How rad would that be. It would be like Chicago all over again.

I heart the library, still. Even more as a quiet place with free Wi-Fi. Not just as a supplier for free movies and books.

Can’t wait to see you! I need to buy tix for the ghost walk, soon. Any movies we are going to see?



1 comment:

mendacious said...

i love that you now eat almonds. i sit in silence and meditate on the changes and if you want to see a movie we can see a movie! any suggests?

though i can already see we're doing a-lot but its good to have some alternates should our energy levels be humming at 100%.