This photo of Thorne cracks me up. Such a stern face is she. The hat was her idea is all i'm saying.
Anyway, I totally get the feeling of being talked out sometimes. Of just being too verbal in your processing to too many people or something so that then you/me/introverts, sound stupid and vulernable. Or rather that whatever you were saying thinking about doesn't make any sense anymore. Or at least thats how i sometimes feel. That in the midst of a convo I'm like- so yah... uh, anyway. Like what I'm saying suddenly fails to sound real or I think, am i making this up? Maybe. I better stop talking. In advice or in theories and opinions or even in groups when it comes to truth, i have to be really mad or irked to say something. Which is why it was always so painful for me to speak up in class (not as quiet as you, i grant)- i'd rather take it all in and make my quiet judgements from there. But then if no one is talking i feel bad for the teacher, tour guide, whatever and then ok, i'll do it. Or if someone especially stupid is talking... i mean that is how i became famous for my asides. It still does not fail me. People with good hearing and my murmur and i've succeeded in saying what i have to say, but with only a select few. I will only lead if "i have to".
So, skip to the end, something broke yesterday and I was able to clear my head enough and get my good friday necklaces done. I was doing it as an extracurricular and it was about to pounce on me and eat my face just like Easter. But I went to Michaels and spent a whole bunch of money and gained some clarity- for now- on materials and direction. Including the purchase of resin, unrelated to the 'project', but still! It's like encasing things in lucite but different. ANd the gem show is saturday.
Of course the energy it took to finish knocked out working out for the early part of the week and no meditating for the last 2 days. Totally, yes, i'm making up the correlation, but whatever. Oh, also i did start my lenten poem! Must.Finish. and
And that reminds, parker asked me for some introvert/extrovert advice re: anti-socialness, while staying social. I have to say i used to be much better but over the last few years i've gone full tilt, i don't wanna, not gonna. I do not know why. Really. Seriously. What flipped the switch? I usually have to be assured and comfortable of the environment or that the ratio of people i know and really really like outweigh the unknowns or the environment. I can't say this was always the case. In my 20's, hopped up on sugar and with the theatre crowd, definitely brought out the extro in me- i was going new places, and meeting new people all the time. But for instance the thought of danica not being at church pretty much swayed me to not attending, but i was committed to endofservice prayer. I don't know why this is but there are lynchpins to my attendence places and usually it has to do with people who are either more anti-social then me or some sense of duty. I do tend to build in commitments to get myself places- like tending the garden, or returning xfiles to maryann (to attend biblestudy-) though it all breaks down ocassionally. Often. I sometimes tend to neglect how important my attendence is to people feeling that I value them and am there for them, but its not my love language. And I find it difficult. And these now new facebook invites give me a perfect excuse to kiss most of them bye-bye. I tend to really need to hear people ask, not just assume and imply. I mean I almost need them to order me to go. M, you have to go. And I usually respond to that better. Cuz otherwise i'm looking for an out, and I'll just dig my heels in and not go. I recognize my difficultness. But I don't want to meet new people or impart my wisdom to them.
Also i think in pushing my inner extro out- I do tell myself the following: this is one day out of my life- suck-it-up, or people love and need me- it doesn't matter if i don't need people. Which I don't often say, because i do intensely crave deep conversation. I thrive on it. And so I necessarily seek it out and my calendar is chalk full of 1-1 tete a tetes. But have i avoided most every single party or social gathering in the past year? Mostly, yes. Maybe that was my issue with the teas. I mean i was never fully 'comfortable'. Or maybe 4 people suddenly became too many. Where as 3 and i'm still my chattery self? I ponder. Also its a quality over quantity issue when it comes to crowds. I'm no longer looking for interesting people, networking or a mate. If God intends to bring them in that manner he'll need to flip the switch back to the way it was before, otherwise I abdicate- though i admit the loss of: being able to wear multiple cute outfits, verbally parry with strange and offputting people, people watching and gossip. Especially when a lot of people are unsober. Though now that I mostly hang with the church crowd I can say that the opportunity for scandal has increased but am less interested in seeking it out ;). I wonder if maybe there were more 30'something parties were available- if i'd go. But they usually call those dinners and involve wine and 'couples'.
unrelated, but back to chocolate which is clearly important- I look at my allergies and align it with stuff that I am most intensely craving and they tend to be linked. Wicked but true. It's so annoying. HotCocoa mix- milk. Cheese. Maybe even my love of peas and green beans- soy... I was brave today and ordered a 3bean salad for dinner. Too much watching of ' you are what you eat'... and i was like, yikes i've got to get on the greens wagon. I suppose eggs and bacon for breakfast is horrifying and yet-
Ok, but seriously. I'll stop- its just that i had all this tea and but I'm sleepy and stuff whatever, etc.
I am totally the same with right circumstances for going out. At this point I feel like my time's too precious, and I'm obstinate about giving it up. Long ago, I just didn't go, mainly out of some sort of fear? It was easy to talk myself out of it. Now, it's like I'm not at all afraid, I just consider it a waste unless all the right elements align. Which, compared with long ago, they do rather often. But I'm still probably a 30/70 ratio for no's/yes.
i went to a bible study of sorts last night all the way out in los feliz. i almost didn't go because i was tired. but i really like being in places where my intellect is stimulated and my faith challenged - i.e. the introvert's love of deep conversation. and i actually enjoy doing this with people i know but don't know very well or haven't been with in a situation like this. so i went because the elements were there. and i'm glad i did. i do have to say that there were way more people there than i thought there would be so i was a little overwhelmed and had to take some down time once i got home.
i think i do tend to just feel obligated to "be out there" - for the potential of meeting someone, because it means i am seeing friends who i might not see otherwise, and because i want to show people i am amiable and funny and a good conversationalist. but the latter is more because i am afraid people don't think that about me or won't know it unless i go to parties and stuff because that is what our crowd does. and when i look at the main girls who get the attention, they are the life of the party. i can't be the life of the party, but i can at least be there, even if it kills me. which is stupid. i realize that. but i have this deep need to be "seen" or "known" that i just push myself into situations that drain my energy just to be around people and probably don't accomplish my goal anyway, all the while wishing i was home watching a movie because most people just want to small talk and hate small talk.
i am an intro with an inner extro who thinks she can do better in everything if i'd just let her out more and when i do, she wears me out and makes me feel a bit fake or just not entirely like myself. which, if you think about it, probably heightens the feelings of being unknown instead of working to combat them.
First off, love the photo :)
My current evaluation for when I'm on the fence about going out (or feeling like I should be "out there") involves how much will this mean to the other person? (Will it be super noticeable if I'm not there, will they care?)
If it's not my thing (a friend's recent b.d. celebration at a dance club) can I do a coffee/lunch/something as a substitute?
The first weighs more heavily: how noticeable will my absence be, and do I care?
If it's mainly people I don't know (or don't know well), whether there's a focus also becomes an issue. Community service type things, Bible study, whatever are so much easier than the usually draining small talk.
Like you, M, I find it works better when I build in my attendance and have sufficient time to mentally prepare myself for an "outing" (however ridiculously small that outing may be).
I almost didn't go to a luncheon after a funeral because there were so many people there (standing room only by the time I arrived) and I felt like an outsider. The widow was a co-worker, not someone I know well, but I always have liked her. So I followed the map handed out at the service. I stood to the side of the entrance not wanting to commit to a table and have no one sit next to me. How delighted I was when she saw me and took my hand and said I was to sit with her. My daughter will tell you how anti-social I am, she pesters me to let my light shine on the world. And aplauds my going out with a friend when I do.
(I totaly love craft days!)
Love the photo of you two! Thorne looks somewhat like a brooding Russian. Thankfully you've agreed to be social with Thorne otherwise I'd know not what I'd do. Besides, she loves you and requests your presence. Who am I to deny her?
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