Thursday, June 19, 2008

While the Rents are Away....

I realize that in my rush to dismantle the room I robbed you of the full display of hideousness. The tired Ansel Adams frame- grey and unmatching. The miscellaneous pink hideous things from the 80's I can't describe. Yes, this is my parents room. . . And mom, 10 years ago used to hate it when I showed it to people... so she is really not going to like it now. I've had a few arguments with friends who signaled concern at such a bold move as repainting my parents room without their permission. They dare to side with my parents on this one- to which though I am slightly disgruntled at I am more amused and applaud them for trying to stave me off my risky course, futile though it may be. In my defense I did warn my mom to which she feebly replied, "no, don't..." which I took to mean "yes, but don't do anything crazy." Also since I've basically lived with them for a long time, and have had an equally long record of modifying my environment this should come as no surprise. I am a controlling person. Every room should be beautiful, even if it's not mine. And though it may take an even more equally long time, every room will reflect the aesthetic beauty I deserve to frequent my gaze upon... The skill my parents have developed is called "ignore" which I think robs them of their combined powers of both creativity and execution. This room has scarcely been touched in over 25+ years and I don't think this is any way to live (again controlling, this should come as no surprise)... they created this beautiful redwood planked wall to ceiling installation piece that has a timeless arch and flow to it-- this is my parents at their best. They envision something and they execute its design (like our walkway) and for whatever reason they have let the house become a reflection of what was and not what IS or what it could be... in the face of waiting for what is to come- the "new house" which in the face of 30 years was a long time coming... but I don't think you should wait (my issue) to live your life in an abundant way because you dream of being elsewhere... and just because in a year you see yourself in a new place doesn't mean that things should lay to waste as time stretches on... not necessarily their particular issue but this is a perfect illustration... don't let who you are, your beauty and your talents and your mastery lie in waste as time passes by. You deserve to live and exist in a place of beauty equal to your talents- don't neglect them. Saturday I will show you the new and improved room- same stuff (i didn't want to completely freak them out)... with maybe more opinionated suggestions of how to optimize storage and possible wall hangings.


penelope said...

m, you're so rad.

~sarah said...

let me know when the dust settles and it's safe to come over again!

; )

Anonymous said...

Dear girl,
it's too hot to work. What on earth are you thinking. It was 109on Friday!

the paint will dry fast won't it.

ashley said...

I love this, M. My parents, too, have been putting off enjoying this house (home for 25+ years) because of the impending but unscheduled retirement which will lead to the "house of their dreams."

Kudos to my brilliant Mom, though. She had all new fixtures put in the bedrooms and over the kitchen table this weekend. She's getting a quote on a new floor and recovering the couch next week.

Even if your parents don't love what you do (which, how can they not???) I hope it inspires them to enjoy right now and not the hope of what is to come.