Tuesday, June 17, 2008

subversion, and other things i've learned from m

How, over the years, she (the unwavering Taurus) has rubbed off on me (the gentle Pisces fish).

1. It's okay to a) have an opinion and b) refuse to waver from it.
2. It's okay to rant about one's world and one's feelings and not apologize for it.
3. It's not cool to be uncommunicative in a friendship. Because a friendship, like any relationship, is like a garden, and if you're uncommunicative, you may as well just let prickly weeds overrun said garden and strangle the life from it.
4. It is always okay, and in fact recommended, to be a little subversive in any given situation. Particularly those involving some sort of "establishment."
5. It is okay to have some shit, we all have shit. So long as you own said shit. Good friendships are about owning your own shit and accepting the other for his or her shit. And in turn, that person sees you and accepts you, in spite or because of your shit.

1 comment:

ashley said...

m is so wise.

fab list.