2. I can tell just by listening how to fill the container. As in, I don't really need to look when filling a glass with water to make sure it doesn't overflow, and I almost always fill the measuring cup to the needed amount without checking. I do check, just to be sure, but yesterday, for instance, I filled the container with milk to exactly 2/3 cup : Look ma, no eyes!

4. I find myself overthinking my responses in conversation, which of course makes me feel more awkward. Like, would I really say that? I seem to know exactly who I am on paper, i.e. my writing voice is my true voice, in all its many colors. But not in person, so much, at least when I think too hard about it. I guess it's like anything else: don't think, just do.
I guess when I write, I have time to think about what I'm going to say, and how I want to say it, whereas in person, I'm on the spot. I rarely do good with on the spot. And then, with writing, someone can read it and you might never know (and therefore never care) what they think. Whereas, when you're trying to make friends, how you are perceived and received is so much more tangible, immediate, and you might care more what they think. In a lot of ways, you can't care, because you'll drive yourself crazy trying to please everyone. But in other ways, it's impossible not to care unless you have skin made of steel. On some days, my skin is made of paper. On worse days, it's like I'm standing in the rain.
5. Every evening after running the dogs and letting them back in for a drink, I send Bender back outside. Bailey can go out or stay in, whatever she wants, but Bender has to go back out. It's the way she pants and gasps and sputters, I can't stand it. I feel like it's kinder to just make her stay outside for a little bit until she calms down, rather than having her stay inside, soaking the floors, and inspiring violent feelings. Plus, she does love it outside. Was that one justification too many? Okay--done.
now surely i have looked into the face of evil and lived.
Those seem normal to me...except for the container filling :)
Although instead of thinking, Would I really say that? I tend to go, Wait, what did I just say? Did I say that? Can I have some time to think about it and then have a redo?
"On some days, my skin is made of paper. On worse days, it's like I'm standing in the rain."
Promise me you will use this line in something someday. Or else I'm going to have to borrow it.
I like that you brought up the concept of the "true" voice, though. I can't claim that I am 100% who I seem to be on the blog, and that's been irking me lately. Like, no one wants to read about the zen-me (I get calls of BORING when that comes up), and yet I'm not just the edgy-girl either. Which brings up the question of, how to BE my whole self? ... Hmm. May have to elaborate on my own blog rather than eating up the comments section of yours.
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