Tuesday, April 24, 2007


i have a head cold. designated sinus pressured. gum aching. long hours of sleep and little pink benedryl pills. kind of thing. fogged concentration. things not quite done. listless. head stretched to the side. grasped water bottle. wandering blur eyed spaces. but refund in and bills paid. more lists made, a gleam of future progressing debt decreasing. no potatos. nicknames. nicaragua. and the summer months. art stuff. things pending. garden growing. and blissful job. days elongating like clockwork as pages flip, a careless calendar.


penelope said...

why don't you have potatoes?

Kurt said...

May I suggest nasal lavage?

Danica said...

Speaking of summer....we (I mean you-heh)must put together my Turkey photo album...I want it to look as fantastic as yours.

Cue said...

Oh, not the dreaded cold! Ugh. Sorry to hear it. I totally feel your pain. But, very glad to hear there are good things brewing, too. Hopefully the cold is on its way out.