After tearing down the hallway wallpaper on Wednesday, we (my mom and I) were prepared on Thursday morning to begin painting. The shade was a lovely light mauve, not too dark for a windowless space, but also not too light, or too pink, or too purple, or too weird. From my imagination to my selection to our execution, it was spot-on. I was quite pleased with the project. Except for one teensy error in judgment, one minor little slip that I blame entirely on Prego Brain.

Don't ever do this: don't think that just because there's hooks under the paint tray made for ladder rungs that you can hook the tray to the ladder and
then pour. Especially if you are indoors, and especially if your baby is standing about a foot away.
The tray tipped and fell in slow-motion, seemingly, and yet there was just no way to pause, rewind, reconsider one's idiocy (and lack of a dropcloth), and redo.
I'm quite surprised I didn't cry. Spilled milk, nah, don't worry about it, but spilled paint? It's another matter entirely.

K.Lo is fine, actually. Somehow she made it through the day, including the cleanup, the tracking all over the house (mine), and finally the subsequent painting, without a single splotch on her clothes. She wasn't too happy when sequestered to her crib during cleanup (no other choice), but toward the end she was able to rejoin us and even pitched in.
P.S. Should a similar incident ever occur in your travels, I do recommend a spray-bottle solution of water combined with Murphy Oil Soap. Or even the spray-cleaner version of the product, should you have had the foresight to purchase it.

Yikes. At least she's at an age where helping clean up is fun :)
is that really mauve? or white that has a tint in it or something? good thing both mother and daughter had adequate supervision : D
How fabulous that you have such a good finish on your lovely floor.
I think that the color looks like Ben and Jerry's coffee heath bar crunch, without the heathbar.
Oh no!!! I'm glad it all worked out in the end. I am so familiar with those moments, though, in which you SEE the thing happening in slow-mo and there's not a darn thing to be done about it.
Floor looks fab, ps. As does that color.
it's a light mauve, looks a lot different on the wall. perhaps i'll take an after photo?
I've simply impressed that people actually go through the process of painting. It's such a lovely thing, but I can never do it. I'm too lazy and inept. :(
I totally would've cried. Props to you for your composure under duress.
I probably would have shed some tears of frustration as well! Kudos for not freaking out and getting it cleaned up. I'm even more impressed you continued with the painting! Something like that happening at the beginning of the process would have been enough to kill my motivation completely! definitely need after pictures. :)
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