3. friday night lights, kyle chandler's smolder, and how if this show is cancelled, i might really cry.
4. certain reality game show contestants: the enigma that is Sanjaya. how Mindy Doo looks like Shrek! (freaking genius.) how Jael is still not only on ANTM, but a front runner, when she doesn't look like a model to me at all. is Renee evil? is Natasha a genius, or dumber than a box of rocks. Alex on Survivor, and how he must win it all. Mirna and Chmirna, and when they will go down.
5. understanding each other: it has to take a network, it doesn't seem like any one person can "get" it all?
bonus: Doug on Work Out, and how at 44, he died. haunting. and do they really capture his coworkers' reaction/the aftermath on film? stay tuned next week?
I tag: MyBiz, Incredible, kudzu, hats, and Cue.
Oh lordy. Okay. :) And PS, I get you re: "understanding each other." Fuck if I know a damn thing about that these days.
And can someone please tell me what happened to Austraila's Next Top Model? Last week it said they were posing with a "bird-eating spider" and then...nothing. It just disappeared from television. They're not even showing the old episodes. My theory? One of the models was eaten by the bird-eating spider and they had to shut down the whole production.
yes, what the hell did happen to auntm?? i keep searching for it on the guide to make sure the dvr hasn't made an oversight?
Those Flavor-Ice Pops really are delicious.
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