Sunday, April 22, 2007


Well-said, I feel... read it, pass it on.


mendacious said...

well, it seems a little too blaming of the parents, and sort of cruel to reflect back on them in this way. surely there are a series of choices made that lead to such unhingement...bcs no matter what his parents did or how poor he made choice after choice to fuel the anger and the evil that led to this end- though i know parental responsibility culturally has been taken a wee bit too lightly and left to the school systems. i would say that song had it wrong too- love should be answered in each of us- right? HMMMM.

penelope said...

hmmm, i guess i didn't see it as too blaming of the parents, just reflective on how they must feel, and actually developing sympathy for them, while raising the idea of being more conscious, aware, empathic, and action-taking when it comes to our own children and also just within society, amongst our peers.

ever since columbine, i've had this fear of raising the actual mass-murderer, is all. much less losing your own child, to have raised the child who wreaked devastation.... unimaginable.