Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The First Day of the Rest of my Life

Today I start my new logging job (the one about watching realitytv footage, not the northwest)
I spent the night making lists about payback order when the checks start coming in. The IRS is the first, as apparently theyve finally sent me that- uh, don't you owe us more? than $2- letter. Dammit- they're on to me. I also started a new list about things to do for fun- like camping or going to Chicago. I'm eating cereal and contemplating what snacks to bring and how long i'll be there. I started a new book called 'Wings of the Dove' by Henry James. My he's wordy. And it's just all these words packed into meandering sentences, so you really have to focus on what he's trying to get across, not the best thing to read having gorged yourself on watermelon and are lying comatose on the floor, making new lists titled: taking it one day at a time is not an exercise in futility, filled with admonishments about over eating, too much sugar, and lack of exercise.

Alright I think I'll sign off as anything else would be trying to aimlessly fill the minutes before I have to go.

Mental noted: Put pants on and go to work with shoes on. These are words to live by.


Anonymous said...

The IRS sent me a letter asking if they could give me money. I was initially suspicious, but I took the money.

penelope said...

I so wish the IRS would give me money. They BETTER give us money next year, so we can pay for this year.

How was your first day??

Karima said...

I missed something - what is a reality TV logging job?

An extra tip for free: put pants on before the shoes.

Cue said...

There have been times in my life where I have had to write down both "get dressed" and "put on shoes" on a list of things to do for the day. Dear god.

It's that feeling like from the opening scene of the Big Lebowski, where the Dude is in the grocery wearing a bathrobe, then has to pay for his milk by writing a check for $.67.

My fear is that I could one day turn into that person.