Friday, December 1, 2006


I'm speechless. What is there to say, really? You can buy the tree!!!


Anonymous said...

I love this so much, and yet I cannot decide who to buy it for. Who would understand?

Also, it's not under ten dollars. Am I allowed to buy myself things over ten dollars?

mendacious said...

i love this tree too- however isn't it sort of ironic given charlie brown and what it stood for? like capitalism is again taking advantage of having to learn to make less just as special... i'm pondering... i will continue to ponder as we mulch the garden.

penelope said...

touche, mendacious...

i am not a good person to ask about the ten dollar rule. i am struggling with the same thing myself, except that generally i feel i shouldn't buy myself ANYTHING until at least the new year, as i am still self-grounded for the speeding ticket.

Anonymous said...

I fully admit that I teared up during Linus' speech about the true meaning of Christmas when I watched it earlier this week. Somehow, this year, Charlie Brown seemed more painfully lonely and misunderstood than ever. I love that tree. No capitalism could ruin that.

Anonymous said...

M- Totally agree! Then again I have mixed feelings about other things at Urban Outfitters...

Although it's the Charlie Brown can you not love it? Except for the whole commercialization thing.

Maybe they're secretly trying to drive you crazy as well as make money off it.

Anonymous said...

Man, how are you guys all finding out when the Christmas specials are on? All the Christmas specials will be over before I figure it out! Only the one with the mice in the clock will be left, and I really hate that one...