Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I'm stealing Kim's blog idea and running with it. Nyah nyah, can't catch me!

Recent thoughts in penelope's brain:
  1. Do you like RADISHES? I was at the grocery store yesterday perusing the veggies section, as Scott and I have lately been making an effort to eat some Healthy Things here and there, and I was like, hmmm, radishes. I don't particularly care for them, but I wonder if Scott does. I think he does. A bag of radishes is only $.99, which seems reasonable, and would fill out nicely the cut vegetable medley I would prepare that evening. Should I get the radishes? It seemed dumb to call. Perhaps I could text Scott and ask, Do you like RADISHES? Wait, is that from a movie? What am I thinking of? Oh yeah, Good Will Hunting and the diner scene with Michael Bolton--Do you like APPLES. I wonder why we don't go around saying, "How do you like them radishes," instead.
  2. "Cut vegetable medley?" Damn, I'm such a housewife.
  3. Oh, but I love it. Heehee.
  4. The name "Apple" for a child really does become normal in your head after awhile, particularly next to the name "Moses."
  5. A History of Violence: I'm sorry, where did the rest of the movie go? Did I miss something? I mean, it was good, I guess, but I thought there would be...more? This would have made a nice made-for-TV flick, perhaps. On Lifetime.
  6. You can watch episodes of Degrassi online for FREE. Like, all of them. Freaking HOT. I am uber-excited about this information.
  7. It occurs to me just a few minutes into watching Degrassi: Old School that the Next Generation was so modeled on the old version back in the 80s--like the character Claude, for instance, becomes Rick in the new version. They're both kind of creepy, they're both on the fringes of all the cliques, they both shoot themselves at school. It's all the same.
  8. In Canada, they say "Claude" as "Clode." But if I hadn't seen that in writing, I would have completely assumed that Canadians actually name their baby boys "Clode." Although, let's be honest, isn't Claude just as bad?
  9. I wonder how long I will continue to watch shows about people that are younger than me. And when it will become truly sad. Probably at the age that I no longer care about such things, like whether anyone thinks that I am sad. Oh wait, I don't care now.
  10. But, how uncool is it to wear a shirt or a skirt or a pair of pants to a store and walk right by the rack that they're selling it on? I think it's probably not very cool. Hmmm. Oh well.


daisy said...

Re #9: I was wondering that exact same thing last night as I watched 7th Heaven AND Everwood on the WB. My guess? Never.

penelope said...

OMG, I wonder if I'll be 78 and watching Degrassi: The Next Next Next Next Generation, or whatever they decide to reincarnate it as 50 years from now. I guess I can say that I'm trying to relate to the young'uns at that point. Oh wait...

Anonymous said...

I often find when I'm watching such shows that I forget I've gotten older. I totally relate while I'm watching and then I'm all, It sucks being a teenager. And then I realize that I'm almost 27 and have a full-time job. Oh, yeah.

Anonymous said...

Also, I'm watching the rerun of last week's Blow Out and Jonathan just said, How bout them apples? Weird. It's like a sign. A sign of...well, I don't know. But a sign

penelope said...

I do the same thing... It probably has something to do with all the people playing teenagers actually being in their late 20s, just like us. Partly, anyway. I'm still not over the fact that my 10-year high school reunion is this year. Wha??

Daniel Bruckner said...

Here's something to think about: The gestation period of an elephant is 22 months.

mendacious said...

i was just going to say that my brother and my dad love radishes by themselves with salt. i've always thought it strange

penelope said...

tell us more, johann. or are you heckling the radishes?