Monday, February 27, 2006

tOdo : mOnday

Random: I almost missed bleak house last night! the horror. i've also been food poisoned and my back is revolting against me spasm by spasm.

1. read passages of JOB (chapters 11-22) for comfort and perspective.
2. stare repeatedly out the window, monitering progress of weather.
3. procrastinate about doing yoga
4. finally do yoga (time non-specified)
5. try to eat "something"
6. read the Divine Conspiracy (become increasingly hopeful)
7. mail last EDD form to receive last EDD check
8. circle calendar: when to call temp agency, when to flee debtors, when to apply anywhere, when to take my Masters Degree off my resume.
9. activate my new CITI debit miles card
10. embrace the futility of said action
11. pancake day? yes. (tomorrow- free shortstacks at IHOP)
12. pluck chin-hair (refuse to be productive in any other way)
13. watch a dvd, possibly Labyrinth


Anonymous said...

if you do watch labrynth, be sure to shield your eyes from david bowie's pants. they are scarey. and disturbing. on so many levels. but otherwise, great flick! : )

Kurt said...

Goodbye chin hair!