Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Look we're Sorry

We don't mean to depress everyone with feeling like cows and whining about our debt. I'm sure one of these months we'll have more to say- which we hope will elicit more sarcasm or pouring out of sympathy. We had no idea our, okay, well, i had an inkling but that doesn't mean i can stop myself. Soon to blog about: japanese magnolias, the hummingbird nests again!: with pictures!, art contacts of my world unite, and possibly if you're lucky, a brief discertation on NTWRIGHTS the last word... okay well at the very least a discussion about the prologue- that or how much i love princess bride.


Kurt said...

"And so, dear Lord, it is with deep sadness that we turn over to you this young woman, whose dream to ride on a giant swan resulted in her death. Maybe it is your way of telling us to buy American."

mendacious said...

oh man i love this movie so much. that and giant killer swans.