Friday, February 17, 2006

good something something


Things to do when you're jobless and feeling down about it: Chew large quantaties of gum- play with said gum: practice the finger twirl, the spin and wrap around and for kicks, let's see how big that bubble can get. Also, sink into couch: left leg slung over the side, propped up by pillows- have everything you need within reach. Get up every so often and wander around outside- pretend you are a botanist on a research assignment. Pretend you're an archealogist and start chipping away at the cement sidewalk next to the garage, despair when you find out it's 3 inches thick. Give up in abject disappointment, think: no one will notice the hole. Having sapped your precious strength rest on nearest patch of grass: gaze at sky, clouds- envy the wind. Go back inside: you're finished with your basetan hours today. Watch Tv. Snack on something. Stare listlessly out the window. Surf the net. Wander back outside: be mesmorized with shiny things, take deep breaths. Envy the wind again. Be glad the sun is sinking. Go back inside.


Kurt said...

Just be glad your friend who works at the winery never gave you a case of champagne.

Anonymous said...

if you're looking for something to occupy you, i suggest reading my friend's blog - the "why" girl i mentioned last night. she's very insightful: sheplaysamartin

Daniel Bruckner said...

An archealogist as skilled as yourself shouldn't settle on such an unchallenging and unsatisfying dig. Might I suggest a quiet, suburban street excavation. Or possibly tunneling underneath an abandoned lot.

My mind's as sharp as fermented cheese [I'm eating cheese and crackers at the moment (Which does not account for my dulled wits, but merely clarifies the reference. You see, over the past fifteen to twenty minutes, I've handled and consumed a lot of processed cheese, which is by no means a sharp substance. Hence, the immediate comparison to my edge-lacking intellect). Anyway, my void of cleverness is merely pointed out to excuse my inability to impress you tonight with anything of substance.

How I wish I were an Olympic skier, then I could thrill you with my amazing body control and downhill navigation skills. But I am not a skier. I am merely a man who hides, and every once in a while comes out of his hole to look and see if he still makes a shadow.