Saturday, September 6, 2008

Today I, by M

I feel like a limp fruit rollup tucked in a pocket. I can only pray for 2 things: for someone to eat me or for me to melt entirely.


penelope said...

omg, me too!

Kim said...

Do you feel like one of those fruit roll-ups that's actually made of fruit? Or one of the plasticy fruit roll-ups that often come with tongue tattoos? Because the thought of being able to give someone a tongue tattoo should be of at least SOME solace.

mendacious said...

oooh. good question!
i think i'm one of those old school fruit rollups- part plastic component a touch of fruit, and BEFORE they decided to do anything cool with me like tongue tattoos. definitely. that's probably my shame.

Anonymous said...

I fear that you now have lint stuck to your fruity goodness.