Friday, September 26, 2008

side effects, by pen

I’m pretty sure it’s that fun fun FUN time of the month where I’m totally hormonal and surly and the whole world just seems like a bad place to be. In my mind, I’m the world’s worst mother, worst wife, worst friend, etc. I have NO patience. I have no patience for my LACK of patience. All thoughts are fatalistic, hyperbolic, and not grounded in reality. I’m mean. I could use a good cry. Etc.

I hate being a girl.

In addition, I’ve begun to pick up on a few other trends that seem to swirl around me during this special time, a little like Pig-Pen’s cloud of dirt-dust, except instead of dirt-dust, it’s bad luck, inattention, paranoia, and laziness.

1. I make errors with the banking. Typically it’s one little misstep in calculation that causes an overdraft, and overdraft fee, and a general feeling of ickiness, incompetence, and brokeness, none of which are really true.

2. I fail to keep up regular email communications, which I’m totally against in principle, so it makes me feel like a  big fat hypocrite. Some, like m, give me a hard time for it, feeling truly neglected. Others, like Andria, may tease me for not writing, but generally don’t mind. And Ash, well, I’ve owed her a good long email for about a month now, and she is ever-patient. What do I do while Not Emailing? I mindlessly, sluggishly surf the web for nothing in particular, and I eat chocolate.

3. I’m totally paranoid that I’m unlikable. And that people don’t want me at their parties. (Sorry, Lauren. :) ) Even when it’s completely dumb, and again, unfounded in reality. Which makes me feel overly-dramatic and more than a little self-centered.

4. I eat nothing healthy. Nothing. Not one thing.

5. All hope diminishes. Mainly this lack of hope is centered around the children, whom I imagine as grown-up and chock-full of resentful memories about their crabby mother. But other areas of life are not immune to hopelessness; I also think deep, dark thoughts about our nation’s future, Time Warner Cable, and Scrabulous. Which by the way, no longer exists.

It’s a tough time to sail through. A tiny bit easier once I realize what’s going on, and that it will be over in a few days. But in the thick of this hyper-emoting, it seems like the world will be As Is forever, and I’m so not digging it. Not one little bit.


mendacious said...

i heart your gratuitous whining.

Anonymous said...

Blah. That emotional rollercoaster is such a pain.

~sarah said...

i get even clumsier than i already am, so add to that constantly spazzing and dropping stuff all morning. it's fun.

Andria said...


Glad you are at least writing it out somewhere, even if not in a direct email.

I go through the same withdrawl and pissiness, so who am I to whine when I'm on the neglected end?

Dude, a) you scored over 100 on the Stellar Wife Exam.
b) have you seen those amazingly beautiful and happy kids? Because the pictures you share and the stories you tell are of healthy, well-adjusted and extremely loved and thriving youngun's. You are one kick-ass manager.
And c) if you can list 4 true friends that are awaiting your correspondence or attendence, that's pretty spectacular and reflects very highly on you. Especially, such amazingly awesome people to boot.

Cue said...

Same boat, no paddle. ICK.