Thursday, September 25, 2008

I would like, by M

some of that rain. In the meantime,

I feel like a cat that is eating a grasshopper. I have a wing sticking out of my mouth. Possibly comical to onlookers, but I am enjoying the crunch and the way my muscles worked to catch it...except it might give me indigestion, this branching out newness beyond my catbowl. I am a longfurred, black, grey tabby with golden eyes.


penelope said...

Just don't smack your grasshopper gum loud. It bothers people. Even if you're nervous.

Wait, are you the cat in the picture??

mendacious said...

le chat dans le peinture? que noir?
non, il est notre guardian, ou est other, companion, and possible guide, and or familiar to all things pen and m.

(i am slightly embarrassed by my loud crunching.)