Thursday, November 9, 2006

warm and fuzzy return

Along with my feet, I too am feeling warm and fuzzy this morning in the company of my Old Computer. For after a long and treacherous battle with Other Computer's security settings, I gave up. And this makes me very happy. While I appreciate that Other Computer will over time become J.Lo's jukebox, and while I was able to make myself as at home as possible in the new environ, I couldn't handle it anymore. I really want to catch up on Ugly Betty. I want to see all the pictures when I visit such sites as Target and ebay, instead of little x's in boxes, which annoy me. I want to see our OMGWe'reSoPopular counter when visiting Pen&M. I want to view my library account with ease. As well as Oh, and I really, really, REALLY want to stop losing blogger posts mid-post. Watching Pure Genius vanish in a puff of cyber-smoke hurts.

Dear Other Computer,
I realize I just made you sound like crap. But please know that I fully realize it's me, not you. You had a fancy, newer version of the firewall that I just couldn't figure out. And frankly it was probably better that you were closed off to all those evil cookies or whatever. For now, though, as my patience has all but disappeared, I choose the evil cookies and the security settings just the way I like 'em.

XO from the WILDside,


mendacious said...

thank god. a computer is a personal thing- married or no. you need your own!! and i love the fuzzy slips.

Karima said...

you're not supposed to save the cookies, use the same ids/passwords on sites, write them anywhere in case you get broken into, save ids/passwords to files...i give up. is there a way?