Ask.com Gift Finder: This is your gift finder, the search engine where you can sort by personality type (fun!), occasion, age, interests, etc. I've used a few gift-finders before, and although I especially like the Curiosities section on amazon.com, I have to say, I'm impressed.
Although for myself, I'm still puzzling, in an amused sort of way, whether I'm really "Domestic Diva." Since they have a TV/Pop Culture Fan "interest" section, I wonder why this can't transfer over to personality types? Although do I wish to be so pegged? But Bree Hodge/Martha Stewart I am not. (I swear.) Unless Bree Hodge watches Survivor and subscribes to EW.
Uncommon Goods: One of those random, quirky sites with a little bit of weird-fun-everything, kind of like Rare Cargo or Blackbeard's Bryde downtown? Except you don't have to leave your house. Nice...
***** Perpetual Kid!: My personal favorite. Just see for yourself. And know that you may shop for penelope here.
Dude, trying to comment with beta is killing me.
I also love Uncommon Goods. My bf's son got pee-pee tee-pees and sock monkey slippers for Xmas from me last year, courtesy of that fine establishment.
I will look forward to trying the other!
Thank you for the fun results of your research.
must stick to budget, must stick to budget, must stict to budget....
thank you - another fun stoking stuffer site is fredflare.com
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