Wednesday, November 15, 2006

defending the night

I have this deja-vooey sense that I've written about this before? But I can't find it in the archives, and really it bears repeating anyway. Although... at what point does one cash in her blog chips on account of repeating herself all the time, I ponder.

Then again, writers are known to write more than one book on a certain subject, even (it's true) highly questionable subjects such as osprey. But I digress.

Anywho, I wanted to write tonight to defend the night coming early. Every fall at Daylight Savings Time, after luxuriating in their extra hour's sleep, people grumble. It's the general consensus out there that it sucks, the world falling dark an hour early. I can understand it, totally. But secretly, I love it, and always have.

The general argument is that when people leave their jobs after fall DST begins, it's already dark, therefore emphasizing the irritating point that one's day is officially gone--because it's dark now, and it's not like you have any daylight left to enjoy. Tonight it was getting quite dark at 5:30, and so I could really see how, if you were a bigger fan of daylight, the fall and winter months would be not so happy times. But the way I look at it is, night=relaxing time, TV time, cozy, curled up on the couch eating dinner time, and more dark-time means that it starts all the earlier. Yes, you have less day, less sunshine, but the tradeoff is more mandatory hibernation. And even when I did have a job and left after dark, there was something magical about spying the moon on the way to the car.

So here's to the early dark, the moon, the stars, flannel pj pants, and maybe some seasonal beverages, like hot chocolate or cider or snowflake-labeled beer.

penelope half-full


Anonymous said...

I, too, love the daylight savings time. I think I'm lucky, because when I go to work at 7, it's light out and when I get out at 3, it's light out, so I don't suffer the "day is wasted" feelings. But I love the coziness of cold and winter and nights spent indoors. It's a good thing.

delta said...

I suggest you visit Finland during the winter months - the sun rises at about 9.30am, and then sets six hours later :)

T. said...

I like pretzels...just putting it out there.

mendacious said...

i love corndogs...and right now the early to sun-setting is keeping me sane during the insane schedule.

Karima said...

deja-vooey - best new word of 2006

Somebody's Mom said...

I love the long days of summer and dread the shorter days the long nights. Contrast is good. The sun is setting into a grey sky as I write this. It's almost cocktail hour!