Monday, August 15, 2005


Yesterday I tried to play along with the boys. When they said, let's ease into things and start with Viper I knew I made a terrible mistake into entering into this whole MagicMountain fiasco. I used to love MM as a kid, or young adult, or whatever. I hadn'tbeen to the park since '91. And as we were driving to the ghetto parking lot where we had to pay $10 to park I realized how much more of a disneyland fan I am then I used to be. I actually do love to scream, go really fast, cry from being whipped by the wind, but the wanting to hurl constantly- is sort of a deterent. dammit. forgot the dramamine. now THAT would've been a good idea.

It was fun to run around with the boys- It was like 10/1. There was another girl that was there but she was latched to her boyfriend and there was no fidelity in trying to get to know me. So hey, even as I walked up to X_treme. . . and decided I was too nauseous, i knew the penalty of trying to play with the boys if I wasn't prepared for the punches. So I bagged out. After getting soaked on the log ride I thought I'd give GOLIATH a try- now, dammit- that was a good ride- it had a 250ft drop and speeds of 80 miles an hour. I don't think my stomach ever found it's way back from my throat. Now if it hadn't been my loyalty to Colasses, which you must be loyal to, as an originater for all those flashy steel engineering marvels, I would've been fine I think. But I pushed it. Went on Colasses and inched my way further to a hurling, puking, ill-faced future. The boys pressed on to SCREAM. I declined. Then as they pushed onto Batman the 2 guys I went with luckily said, are you ready to go- and I said, God yes. Take me with you. So we left.

The lure of free stuff: So keep in mind, none of us had dinner, so as to keep from hurling- even the boys knew they were dangerously close, so they abstained. But you know it was the end of the night and they were pressing free corn-nuts into our hands as we left the park. I ate the corn-nuts, and became increasingly ill, so that even when I went to close my eyes I could see myself being whirled through space at too alarming a rate. There's no rest for those that have overdone it. On the way home I even leaned my head near the cool rushing air. Not much comfort however. And at every sign post i was like, I just have to make it another 20 min, another 10 min. I made it home, luckily, as glancing left to right made me turn green (damn, blindspots)... I curled up onto the bed and went to sleep. Having not hurled at all! Yes!!

However, today I've got a wicked hangover. My body is pissed off, my head still faintly cloudy from my non-equilibriumed brain... oh to have balnace. Oh to not be faintly nauseous. But in retrospect, was it worth it? Yah, I think so. Would I do it again? Maybe in another 10years... but for now give me the Pirates of the Carribean and mellow rides like SpaceMtn and Matterhorn. Does the body need the punishment of G-force if one isn't traveling into Space or skydiving? Sure it does. You have to scream sometimes, to know you've got lungs and a whole bunch of brothers that'll feel bad if you puke, and tell you in secret, they came pretty close too.

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