Saturday, June 12, 2010


J.Lo’s parents brought me the kids a Venus flytrap today. Ooo. A carnivorous plant. A native plant! And we happen to have a few flies around the house during this pesty time of year, so I’m just waiting. For the kerpow. In fact, when we took the lid off, I glimpsed a bug – already there? half dead? – in one of the traps, and it closed. Kablam! And another trap, already closed, looks filled and has what appears to be long insect legs dangling out the top. (See the trap on the far right?) P1050686I briefly considered cancelling TV service and just watching the vft from now on, but I suspect I’d be quickly vetoed.

According to the instructions, one is never to feed it hamburger meat. Enough people have apparently thought it a genius idea to warrant said instruction. Ahem.

In other news, I’ve given up night snacking yet again – I’m totally sure it will be temporary. Because I can’t stand not snacking at night, really. For the social aspect, for the not-having-to-share-with-children aspect. And I intended to watch the Michael Jackson Wii-Flix doc last night and ended up watching St@te of M!nd instead, which is a BBC doc filmed in N. Kore@, about two girls who are preparing for a gymnastics performance at the M@ss Games. All in honor of K!m Jong-!l. And ya think other countries hate us? Wowza. I’ve never quite seen such indoctrination of hate toward Americans. And it’s not the usual brand of hate, either, where we’re the morally deplorable infidels or something, in addition to our crappy foreign politics. No, it’s solely about our crappy foreign politics, and not even today’s politics. They are rooted in time with their hate. We’re the Imperialists that tried to quash their perfect society back in the war, and therefore, everything bad since then has been our fault.  And since you’re watching a doc, you try to be reasonably open-minded about the whole Communist brain-washing thing, the gov’t-provided housing for all, complete with permanent radio that broadcasts propaganda – which you can turn down in volume, but never off – but really, it’s a bit much. The children’s hour cartoons featuring defeat of U.S. soldiers. Sigh. I’m not quite sure the benefits of that societal approach really outweigh the negatives, but what do I know. I suppose the girls (and the families in general) seemed happy enough in their isolated country, hating America, eating their gov’t chicken and eggs, and living out the dream performing for His Greatness – who *spoiler alert* never even showed up, ultimately. Weird. And by weird, I mean chilling.

And then I watched a docu about Machu Picchu, which was highly awesome, but I fell asleep. Before 11:30. Lame.

I’m off to do something likely non-productive and avoid night-snacking. Maybe.

penelope flytrap


an d some chocolate to go with the cake said...

I just ate a slice of angel food cake. It's too late for such shenanigans, but I did it. I will eat breakfast tommorrow and won't have lost any weight when I weigh in next, but, I guess, if I haven't gained, that would still be good.

Love the VFT. I totally wish they were native here. they usually die, I think they like the humidity of their home area.

Amazing how propaganda works and doesn't work.

pen said...

I had one of those drumstick ice cream cones. Mmm.

mendacious said...

mmm VTF = amazing.

ashley said...

I like the name VFT, like the BFG?

I was thinking about this construct of society thing because I read a Gallup statistic that said that more people think the nation is deeply divided than ever. And I figured...just like in the microcosmic can't please everybody. And with disillusionment comes the hunger for revolution.

I think I would go mad with something I could never turn off.

pen said...

So very polarized... sadness. So much shouting, so little listening.

And that radio! Probably the creepiest part of the whole deal.