Monday, May 3, 2010


Time for another garden update! (Cue trumpets.)

Firstly, the lantana has gotten all poofy and vivid and whatnot. These suckers have the hardiness of rampant weeds, but does that take away their beauty? No, it does not. The pink and yellow are called ham-and-eggs.

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P1050507Next, Yard Man (pictured here) was kind enough to weed and mulch the garden, among other chores, while I took the children to a birthday party Saturday morning. Now the garden looks all spiffy. And look at those roses! Which are now blooming just in time for Mother’s Day. I note this because I received the plant a year ago for Mother’s Day. I’m sure that’s in the blog archive somewhere, but I’m too lazy to look.




Speaking of pretty-to-my-eye weeds, we have a pot of Oxalis Dillenii. YelIow wood sorrell. I don’t know how it got there, but I don’t feel compelled to pull it up, especially since it’s contained.



Other views:




P1050504And the strawberries! The two we (you and I) planted are doing well and have a lot of new growth. The plant from last year, in a pot near the garden, ran wild and crazy and is now a chain of several plants in the ground, flanking the garden beds. There’s at least 30 strawberries in the works there, and this morning we picked the first 4. They weren’t quite ready, but the children were excited. Except for the dirt on the strawberries, they didn’t like that. And the berries really could have used an extra day or two, flavor-wise, because as K.Lo sadly noted, “These don’t taste like the ones from Costco.” Sigh.   

1 comment:

almost anonymous said...
