Tuesday, October 28, 2008

senior prom, pen


Why exactly are we doing this, anyway?


mendacious said...

snicker. dude, i DON'T know. Let's stop.

but yourrr PREETY.

penelope said...

oh good, we're stopping. :)

mendacious said...

you know we COULD keep going...

mendacious said...

although my further question is, since i never went to prom, does one dress in accordance to theme? for instance you're like anti-midsummer, more newyork out on the town- classic with a twist... where as i might do something in blue and chiffon... maybe wings? or is that too literal. that is sometimes my problem.

penelope said...

oh lord, i don't know about themes. our proms always had "themes," but not like the costume-y proms in the movies, such as in "never been kissed" and "10 things i hate about you." we just wore what we wore. i'm sad you didn't go to prom. even though in the end it was all really kind of stupid. my favorite part was the all-nighter, with the hypnotist and everything. no fancy dresses allowed.

erin j said...

Oh. My. God. thank you...my evening just got 10 times better...hehehehehe...
i camped out during my prom... so my shot would have been in jeans and a flannel shirt...

mendacious said...

yah it always seemed lame, which was my initial trepidation- somehow the idea of chicken and rice pilaf and limos did me in, so i never even rallied. though in my circle we were all wary of it, so it's not like i had guys say, omg, we should go. will you go with me? let's GO. it was like, oh yah, huh, hmm, i don't KNOW.

however i deeply regret that my school was never the party of the masses with balloons and streamers and dances, and peggy sue got married... or grosse point blank-- i think there just wasnt' enough people... that you would go just to see what happens.