Thursday, December 13, 2007


So the other day, I emailed mendacious about my current life status, which inevitably contained a lot of babbling about my children, and I apologized for that, as I always feel inclined to do to my non-parental friends. Because, omg, it's so boring? If Me From a Few Years Ago were talking to Me Now? My eyes would totally be glazing over.

After nearly two years, I feel like I'm still reconciling those sides of myself--The Mom Me, and Just Penelope. I'm realizing, maybe now that I've got two babies, that those sides of me are sort of one in the same, and I shouldn't really deny that? I keep hearing this sentiment from the kinder masses as well.

And then mendacious says, regarding my apology for all the boring mom things relayed in said email, "Well they don’t seem like boring mom things so much as difficult co-workers. I think you should form a mom/blog in that context. It would be hi-larious to me." I still don't even know yet whether she meant just do a post or to actually form a whole new blog in that vein, but the wheels immediately started turning. All night, in between dreams, I'm thinking about this concept. I want to experiment. I want to attempt to de-compartmentalize by compartmentalizing. Would I leave (Mis)Adventures? Um, no. Eegads, no. I couldn't ever, because that would just leave me with the same set of problems, i.e. denying one or more sides of myself, except I wouldn't have mendacious by my side and would therefore be horribly bereft, alone, and so much less cool. But I'm going to try this, for the experiment of it, for the fun of it, and most importantly, for the amusement of mendacious. Because clearly that is the most important thing.

News pertaining to my difficult coworkers will now be found here. For the moment anyway. Please check in and show love by adding me to your sidebars? As K.Lo would say, "Peeeez."


mendacious said...

hee. i'm totally psyched,and thrilled to see my name repeated so much in one blog post. i reread it before i sent it and knew the confusion inherent and i'm jazzed by either...cuz hello, yah, totally about me. but i expect to hear the total total truth about said co-workers. gloves off okay?! can't wait. LOVE IT. love you. LOVE US.

Anonymous said...

I think your small home business is highly entertaining. Then again, I don't have to deal with the disgruntled employees. Now there's another blog to add to my rounds.

Anonymous said...

Creativity flows!

Cue said...

Awesome idea!! Will totally add you. Looking forward to reading. (In my "spare" time. HA.)