Thursday, September 13, 2007


There are approximately 6 weeks left until this baby, Baby N.Lo, arrives. Could be more, could be less, but thereabouts. Am I ready? Mmm, yeah, sure why not. I have to buy diapers, still, the little teeny-tiny ones that are at the same time adorable and incomprehensible. I've got plenty of clothes, a year or more's worth, really, thanks to a gracious friend of mine who loaned me everything for a boy. The room's painted, the crib's got a fresh sheet on it, even, and of course has been evacuated; Bug will have nothing to do with it ever again. Bug herself is about as aware as a 19-month-old can be that she's going to have a baby brother soon. She knows there's a baby in her mommy's belly, though frankly, she thinks there's also a baby in her belly, in J.Lo's belly, and occasionally in my boobs. Ah, Bug.

As far as mental preparations, I'm getting there. My biggest hangup at the moment is labor, because though I've been through it once and it wasn't as horrifying as anticipated, you just never know. Whenever I thought about it in the moments leading up to it, the first time, I thought I might end up dead. But then when I actually went through it, I kept waiting for the contractions to feel more painful than putting in your contact lenses the morning after cutting up jalapeno peppers? And they never did. Although I did have an epidural, which helped immensely, despite it also being the freakiest part of the whole ordeal. Supposedly, labor and delivery for subsequent pregnancies is easier than the first time around, but I feel a healthy amount of fear is just that: healthy. And being prepared for complications, or whatever. Or even having one of the doctors you don't like being on call that day, that would suck, too.

So I've got to start reading, just to refresh. Although nothing in a book can truly prepare you for the actual experience, it does at least help to know the different phases of labor, which I have, as a defense mechanism, completely blocked out. And I have to pack, although at this point I'm running out of clothes that fit, so it seems to me that whatever I'd want to wear at the hospital, I'm going to need beforehand, right? I'm still puzzling over this one. Especially the underwear: I am totally running out of underwear that fits, and I am too cheap, too lazy, too stuck in the principle of the thing to go out and buy more.

In the meantime, it would be lovely if someone could paint my toes. And I can't wait to be able to roll all the way over, or even just side to side without feeling like the bottom half of my body is going to crumble away from the top. Oh, and the Tums, I won't miss popping those like Pez out of my giant Costco bottle all day and all night long.

All in all, I feel pretty ready for this baby to be here now, though I know in truth that it's trading in one set of problems for another. Heartburn for sleep deprivation, agility for patience and sanity, etc. A Bug who's frustrated because she can't have 12 popsicles a day versus a Bug who's frustrated because she can't have undivided parental attention all day. Hmmm. It's going to be interesting, that is the only given.


mendacious said...

oh geez. you're pregnant! and the result is actually a wee child. what?!

no seriously- what?!

i demand pictures!

penelope said...

i know. a BABY! there's actually a reason behind this whole thing!

pictures, yes, pictures. someday. in the meantime, please see sidebar, i believe you will find the italian stallion to appease you.


ashley said...

OMG! You're reading The Cheerleader??? By Jill McCorkle? That book is so about me.

I love that the Bug thinks J. Lo's having a baby. Bet he loves that.

Cue said...

Godspeed, lady. I have absolutely no personal point of reference on this one, but I definitely wish you well. Six weeks... wow!!!

Andria said...

oh yeah, diapers! oh yeah, packing! yikes! I thought I was preparing myself, as well, but there's so much to remember to get done and have on hand. And we haven't done anything really to get the rooms ready still! Having a scheduled c-section seems to allieviate a lot of my fears as far as what to expect durning the labor process and the unknown factor of when it will actually happen, however my last experience of this surgery did not go so well either, so really I should be just as worried, I suppose. Dellaina woke up in the middle of the night the other night and I was struck with how this was about to become my life again, constantly getting up all night long and doing feedings, etc.! I've been re-reading diary entries from the first time around to try to recall and prepare myself. . but each child is different and having another one in the mix will just make the whole thing that much more. . fun?! exciting? challenging?

All that to say, I'm right there with you, so just hang in there. . we can do it! right?!

penelope said...

thanks, q!

ash: oh yes, J.Lo loooves when Bug says he has a baby in his belly. it's quite the ego-booster.

yup, i'm reading the cheerleader per your rec! v. good so far.

andria, omg, nighttime feedings. i got a little lightheaded just thinking about that. but yes, we can do it!! and i'm writing that so we can refer to it later, when on the inevitable brink of insanity. WE CAN DO IT.