Wednesday, September 19, 2007

pen's picks, fall 2007

Yowwwwza. Fall 2007 TV starts officially, in my mind, tonight. Next week will be marginally more exciting, to be sure, but tonight on the CW is the premiere of America's Next Top Model, a tried and true favorite. Also premiering are a few try-them-out shows, Kid Nation and Gossip Girl. To mark the occasion of this long-anticipated return of The Good Television, here's a list of what I'll be watching, barring any DVR Scheduling Nightmares.

Old Favorites:
The Office
Survivor: China
My Name is Earl
Grey's Anatomy
Friday Night Lights
How I Met Your Mother
Scrubs (late October)
Ugly Betty--maybe
30 Rock

High Hopes for*:

Journeyman: could be like a spin on The Time Traveler's Wife?
Samantha Who? (w/ Sookie from Gilmore Girls)
Aliens in America (w/ Luke from Gilmore Girls)


Kid Nation: part of me is like, ick, this is going to suck, but the buzz is so alluring
Pushing Daisies: please be good
Private Practice: ugh, the pilot was pretty lame, but I love Addison and so therefore must give it a chance
Gossip Girl: I feel like I should be beyond this, but the reviews have not been half bad, and I do enjoy Bee from the Sisterhood of the Pants. Remaining question: would the books be worth reading, too?
Bionic Woman
Life: what is this one about, really, I don't even know. But the commercials seemed intriguing.

There is no room in my heart or on my DVR for anything new on Thursdays, sorry. Oh, except maybe Big Shots. Just because the boys are hot and the show is being touted as a male S&TC doesn't mean it will go anywhere.

Women's Murder Club? I don't know if I have the strength.

Will Watch One Time Only, Just to See How Bad it Is:

Will Watch, Despite Full Awareness of How Bad it Is:
One Tree Hill (early January)

Will Miss Until their Return:
ProRun (November)
Lost (January)

Now I completely realize that there will be some Judging going on amongst readers. Isn't that a lot of shows, pen? Don't you have a toddler to take care of, and a baby on the way? Why yes, yes I do. But bear in mind that at least half of the new shows will simply not live up to expectation, and will immediately be axed from the DVRroll. Second, hello, kids' bedtime? TV watching is what all hours after 8PM are for. As to the remaining skeptics, perhaps you don't have a DVR and remain unaware of just how efficiently shows are watched without commercial interruption. It's the only way to live. Should you still continue to judge, I will assume you also lack skills in multi-tasking, i.e. if asked to watch and entertain a toddler, feed a baby, crochet a blanket, plan dinner, and clip coupons all while watching Fine Fall Television, you would turn pale and begin to cry. In which case, I'm sorry you're so weak.

In the meantime, life of course goes on in all its richness, with family and good friends and amusing children, books to read, creative endeavors to pursue, and ebay deals to scout. But ah, Fall TV, how I missed you, glad you're finally back. Yippee!

*For information on any of the new shows, may I recommend


Kurt said...

That 30 Rock is a winner. I'm going to have to step away from Heroes, though. It is too much like a soap opera the way they string you along. I love Ugly Betty, but the drama elements don't work for me. They should stick with the funny stuff.

Andria said...

I came looking for a recap/your thoughts on ANTM last night. . this is quite a run down. My list is rather similar (at least in length if not exact content).
How was Gossip Girl? As I also have Tivo and do NOT watch commercials, I hadn't really seen any hype for it until watching ANTM, which you know would have happened after it had already aired and thus, no time to set to record the premiere immediately following. . .I was provided some glimpses into Journeyman and others which were more intriguing than originally anticipated, but we'll see how they pan out, because I'm not sure they have staying power for a full season versus one movie plot, etc.
I'm still bummed Veronica Mars is gone, but hear she'll be appearing on Heroes, so I'll tune in for that. *sigh.

Anonymous said...

Hurray! It's not officially Fall tv season until Pen lets me know what I should be watching. And I can't seem to grade any papers unless ANTM is on in the background. :-)

penelope said...

Yeah, I've been catching up on the tail end of Ugly Betty, and I have to agree... they're losing me. And I have to watch that one on the computer. I'm teetering...

Gossip Girl! I missed it because of a DVR snafu, but it will be on again this Sunday evening at 8. I believe Kristen Bell does the voiceover for that show, too. She's everywhere! Also, I think (hopefully) the CW will have episodes online, as well as ANTM? Just in case...

So far on ANTM, my only thoughts are that I kind of love Heather already for all her gawkiness, and I can't stand that upbeat girl who's all like, Crying is a waste of time! Though I did kind of enjoy the editing there, how they brought her in like right after the other chick who was bawling her eyes out because of all she's been through in life. It made blondie look like even more of a jackass. So do not care for Jaslene's "My Life as a Cover Girl's" and will not be watching. I would have watched if it were Natasha. She could have been on the cover of Russian Mail-Order Bride magazine!

Yay for Fall TV!

Andria said...

I actually really liked the "bah-stin bah-tender" with the wonky eye (that I didn't really notice, she just talked about it once) and was sad she didn't make it into the house. I'm usually not a fan of the nasally northern accent, but I really liked her for some reason.
Otherwise, I am right there with you on blondie! But, I do think Tyra has turned the show into too much of a Troubled Youth story and it's just odd to me that she's always like, "talk about that" on really heavy issues, when it's for national television and a panel of judgement. . .
Definitely agree that Jaslene, while seems to be a bit more polished now at least, still doesn't do much for me.
I kind of like Chantel, even though she's a basic blonde and thinks she's IT. They usually go for the more exotic or unique looks and I always like the cute, girl-next-door (Kalee) normal ones!
Glad we're getting started again, though! Thanks for dishing with me. . . :)

daisy said...

Ugh. I also missed Gossip Girl because of a DVR snafu. WTF? But yes, Sunday we shall judge. I heard first 20 minutes suck and then it gets good.

And, um, tomorrow I shall post about the glory that is Kid Nation.

And I am not - and never would - judge TV watching. DVR means it's basically like going to the movies a lot.

penelope said...

Ooo, was the snafu bcs of Kid Nation running 7 minutes over? That was my issue. Can't wait to read your review!

And I don't know why Tyra pushes the girls to spout off their hard luck story in the interviews, either. It seems a bit staged, a bit much. I mean, it was one thing for her to make Eva the Diva crack because she was being such a bitch to the other girls, but all these other ones... why was she pushing the one girl to say she'd been molested and raped on national TV? Geez.

I kind of liked the Bostan chicky, too, and also that Chantel should be entertaining. With her whole, "I was BORN for this" thing. I want to see how far she goes.

Kim said...

I'm so glad I found the ANTM comments here! I am UTTERLY CONFUSED by the entire cast-- why did we spend so much time investing our interest in the homeless contestant, only to have her not make the cut in favor of the giant headed non-cryer, whatever her name was?

I was the one with Asperger's Syndrome to win. There, I said it.