Thursday, June 14, 2007

things that make me happy: 2

i think the crush of work is getting to me, like it is for most people, but if your spoiled and have spent the last you know blah blah going thru extended periods of whatever the hell i want then every way you react to sucking up 11 hours of your life from commute to lunch to commute goes to befuddling introspection on how to claim your life back- today i spent most my time in this room clicking on a mouse and feeling my fingertips feel numb as i rather hopelessy tried to assemble some clipreels... as one thing after another went wrong and by 530 i had 3 unfinished projects. and they're waiting for me on monday. oh, joy. the edit room is so not my bag.

so amidst the crush i completely forget that my weekends sometimes look as divine as these. and check out my camera phone! it rocks! last friday i was reminded how difficult friends can be what with the communicating and the not communicating and the expectation and the friends hurting and you hurting for them, then on saturday i was reminded at how spectacular things can be- a really lovely lunch with danica (pictured to the left) then on the way to a nursery we swung by joanna's house and she was wonderfully willing and able to hang with us- and not only that but feed us... i marveled at how beautiful spontenaity can be, and usually how unwilling i am to embrace it. but it was nice to take a breath from the checklist. and to be held hostage by a moment and the glorious fact i didn't drive (just this once) made me willing. i went home and had a good time and conversation with friend sarah, who bore the brunt of my consumption with these two, but it was like coming home to a sister and that in itself was awesome, since i dont' have one- and i had not felt so abundantly blessed with friendship in such a long time, it was a rare and gorgeous bloom.


~sarah said...

awwwwwwwwwww. i'm blushing. : )

ashley said...

I love it when the most unexpected days turn out to be so very memorable. Lovely photos, lovely friends. All good things.

Anonymous said...

yum, bubbly.
I don't feel nearly so guilty for abandoning the list.
Friends rock.