Wednesday, June 6, 2007

pregnancy, halfway there

1. Perplexing: Getting called "sweetie" all of a sudden and a lot, by men and women of all ages. Do they think I'm 23? Decide just to go with it, as better than being perceived as hag.

2. Yee-ouch: Three finger sticks this morning at OB for blood.

3. Gained: 17 pounds.

4. Trying not to think about: how many more to go.

5. Name: decided on. Having such a hard time keeping mum, only soul who knows is J.Lo. May implode with effort.

6. TV obsession du jour: House Hunters. Have been DVRing all of them, have a feeling will run its course in approximately 2 weeks.

7. Movie du jour: Waitress. Love, love, love, can't stop thinking about. Went w/ Mel and Ash Saturday, going again w/ neighborhood mommies tomorrow night.

8. Effort to save $/Guilty pleasure trade-off: downgraded ISP to Roadrunner Lite--did you know they have this? It's not any slower, I swear I see no difference, but it's $10 less/month. Unless you download lots of movies and music, I highly recommend it. But then, Big Love is staring next week. My cable bill was less for a shining moment, but now it's exactly the same, because clearly I cannot control myself and subscribed to HBO. More for your moolah, so whatev.

9. Mean-o-meter: high. Was especially chilly to woman at Fresh Market today who caught my eye when I was perusing aisles for salad dressing. She chased me down to the next aisle, asked if I need help finding anything because I "just had that look about me." (And I knew she would, it was so weird.) What do you know, overly-helpful fool. Let me look around for my salad dressing in peace.

10. Temperature: hot.

11. Sleeping: a lot.

12. Current food obsessions: chocolate, again. Oreos, still. Cake batter ice cream from Coldstone. Also, trying to bring fruits back in. Too bad they're so darn pricey. Gazed mournfully at $6 tiny box of raspberries today at Fresh Market, decided instead on pears, kiwis, watermelon, and mango. Again, more for moolah.

13. IQ: dropping as usual, but trying to plateau it out with The Canon.

14. Dinner: don't feel like cooking, really.

15. But tonight: pasta salad.


mendacious said...

yah, why not play young. maybe start freaking people out and say you're 20 with 2 kids or something. or wait? they don't freak out there for that do they- that's LA. nevermind. we look at anyone askance with people who have children in their 20's.

Anonymous said...

I've been extolling the wonderfulness of Waitress all week! And I saw Paul Rudd on The Daily Show the other day and I can't wait to see Knocked Up next week!

You know it's offically summer time when mTV does their movie awards show. Despite their marketing extravaganza, however, I still have no desire to see Transformers.

Oh, and Tom gets home tomorrow! I've got a Swiffer Wet Jet with my name on it. :-)

penelope said...

Knocked Up next week, woohoo! So can't wait.