Friday, June 8, 2007


I'm up earlier than normal. This alone is libel to make anyone angry. I woke up to a tapping in my ear, very persistent and annoying. tap,tap,tap,tap...jack hammer. Beep,beep,beep....heavy thing backing up. Crunch.Grind.Scrape. Remember that earthquake LA had back in '94... So you know, do the math, 13 some years ago. The city decided that now is the time to repair all those damaged sewer lines. I guess. The map, provided by the city, in a sad copy worn letter, is pretty extensive. So i guess for a couple months I could be waking up to such thwackings and hammerings. Not as annoying as say, a blower or edge trimmer next to your open bedroom window, by a gardener instructed to be an asshole by your hateful neighbor before 8am, but still unfamiliar... I'm sure all sorts of people have to put up with such things from time to time. I mean i'm all for them repairing things. Of course we our selves are not hooked up to the sewer. So that's a lot of sewer tax sparred us- about $100 now apparently, as high as the water tax... and about $10,000 to connect to. This of course leaves me wondering about the benefit of sewers though i'm sure they're myriad. And in other places you can afford to not be eco-friendly and let water run run run....and you know i long for that time. Well so anyway this is really an aside to two posts i need to get around to: domestic violence and agism. But for now gosh-dermit, 13 years! Come on! Brings me back to that fond time when i was having a movie party and we had just put in Cliffhanger and all that shifting and rattling made our knees shake and wine bottles come crashing... ah, good times. I got to see the stars. Wander my neighborhood. Eat melting icecream... those were the days. Fricking noisy ass construction!


penelope said...

$10000 to connect? Outrageous.

~sarah said...

as short as my last post may have been, at least it was grammatically correct with proper spelling. i'm just saying... ; )

Anonymous said...

Yes, gentle reader, the estimate to connect to the sewer system was from about ten years ago: $5K to do the work $5K for the permits. The permit fees have probably increased. The sewer tax is a pretty crazy fee.
Oh, and the other aggravation... don't park between 7 am and 4 pm.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you were watching Cliffhanger? Excellent choice.

Kurt said...

Leech field!