Monday, June 11, 2007

can't help myself

Dear Past Penelope,

Though your musings about revealing/not revealing this baby's name were quite charming, it's too bad for you that Current Penelope can longer keep her mouth shut. I wanted to keep the name a surprise for several reasons, one being that it's fun, two being that people tend to be so much more vocal in their mean name opinions before the baby actually arrives, and three, because someone might steal it. But whatev. The name is common enough that if you want to steal it, go ahead. I won't be offended. We're naming our son after my grandfather and my husband, respectively, and you can't really take that away. Also, I feel like girl names are just touchier. Probably they're going to be more flowery or unique in some way that if someone tries to steal it from you, you should, as J.Lo says, have the right to stab them. With a dagger.

Anyway, without further ado, the name is:

Nicholas Scott (L-Beam)

He will probably go by Nicholas or Nick, because that's what I like. Say what you want. To me, it's rather perfect, and feels very right.


pen in the moment


Kim said...

Hooray! I love it! Although have you given any thought to making his middle name "Danger"?

penelope said...

scott IS danger--it's totally implied, right?

mendacious said...

ooo good call. I think it is implied. and of course we can always call him Hola or Cole... Nicott-

Cue said...

Love it!!! SO cute. And Nicholas is one of those great names that works at all stages of life, you know? It translates nicely through babyhood, childhood, AND adulthood. It's even a cute-guy name for when he's datable (sorry, had to go there). Well done.

penelope said...

yes, i thought so too, thanks!

mendacious, you're on crack with the hola thing, really. you tormenter.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for being brave and putting the name out there. I was about to die of curiousity. Great name.

Anonymous said...

Nice name. A classic. And I second what you've said about people getting all judgemental over what other people name their kids. I get the curiosity, as I'm curious about what other people are going to name their kids, too, but it almost makes me not want to tell anyone what I name my baby because I just don't want to hear the judgements. So I applaud you on coming out with your name.

Andria said...

great name. Very strong and classic, without being too overdone. I concur that it's a great transitional name that will grow with him well. Plus, I'm relieved it's not one we have on our list, so we're in the clear since you've publically staked your claim now! ;)

hat said...

Nicholas -- It's also a name other moms would be proud to have attached to their daughter's boyfriend, know what I mean? If I had to approve a Nick or a David, I would choose a Nick. Smart thinking, mom!