Tuesday, October 19, 2004


mendacious says:

i feel like we're always stuck with that inherent fear. that we won't return to what we love because of apathy or disgust or because we fail to lead dramatic or destructive or chaotic enough lives. and god sometimes nothing is happening anywhere. but let's keep in mind time is deceptive. you feel like months go by and you're lost and could it be more than a phase, more than me being burnt out...can't we find the balance btw spew and when "inspiration" strikes. but if it doesn't start here in the small things than where does it start. and really when non-fiction fails to appeal work with invention. polor bears for instance on a desert island...internal spaces that involve daisies with titles like "intertia land"... a place where honey buns exist and housewifes stabbing cakes... well anyway i was going to say something about characters and being the puppet master but my pinky and index finger are taped together on the right hand so i keep hitting the wrong keys. i was washing a glass and didn't realize it was broken. and a quarter inch slice down and some blood later... i'm a dumbass, and who wouldve thought that yesterday this would have happened.

that's the beauty and the horror of being an artist-- having to reconcile with time and circumstance. (cuz its all about artists)

so its not so much about the wedding or the 25$ a day job- its what's behind it, behind the routine and the place where we imagine ourselves to be.

nevertheless i will be talking about the 25$ a day job tomorror. till then. mon amis.

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