Monday, January 24, 2011

Pen over here,

i only once thought about stabbing myself in the chest with the wirecutters. probably because i was too full on primerib and creme brulee. jobsearching. i found something to apply to. found mostly nothing to apply to. consumed by my failure to be someone else and not myself. i know in another time i wouldn't be in debt, i'd be in a convent and i'm pretty sure i find myself longing for those times on a daily basis. alas. checking my bank account was also unuseful. tomorrow i may try to look at a couple more sites and see if i survive. oh also my edd check form came and it was blank, as in no attached check. as in unable to eradicate 0.00 balance issue in said bank acct. whatever you know the rest. you know the word i assign to all of it.

murdershewrote is on. and today passed not at all well. except for the awesomedinner. (thanks mom!)i mean it seems unfair to the day. there was lots of official emailing and scheduling and planning. and i'm bored of myself. but i wanted to write and say hi anyway. and tell you that today i am a mysterious crusty bit on a white cashmere sweater.

and i debate staying up for another hour watching nothing at all or opting for bed. i mean i did just eat a banana.

tellme about the methodists,

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