Saturday, March 14, 2009

Signs and Wonders, by M

this ugly can abandonded by the garage door was about to be violently dealt with until I saw this little guy resting by his cacoon. i think he was pretty tired. he didn't move for most of the day and all of the night until the next morning around 10 he opened his wings for us... may he have a long good butterfly life.


penelope said...

What a fantastic thing to catch in action! I don't think I've seen such wonder since I was a little kid.

Anonymous said...

We had a lot of caterpillars that munched on the passion vine, and we didn't hurt them because we had seen pretty butterflies laying eggs. I kept looking to see where they might have their cocoons, to no avail. It was a delightful surprise.

Andria said...

So that's where you've been. . .cool.

~sarah said...

wow! cool. and i can't believe how many posts there are and a NEW layout since i last checked. stupid work internet ban. : p