Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Reality of Coloring Books, by M

When I stayed at Pen's casa i took meticulous care to color in a drawing of fish- stunning in its color scheme, if i do say so my self. It is now on their refrigerator.

In my yearly examination of what exactly is in the 13 boxes in the crawl space- why aren't they in use... why do i still have them- My favorite items to come across besides my first cabbage patch kid, Hannah are my Strawberry Shortcake and CareBear coloring books from 1982 and 84 respectively...which i've always been responsible of saving my own stuff, so it's not like my mom threw these in a box and forgot about them. I've cherished them. Besides the encouraging 105% i must have given myself on the first one, and the fine display of coloring of strawberry in her bed, a more disturbing portrait emerged. Of grading, rather harshly my contemporaries, at 6 and 8 years of age. Maybe i was just 'mirroring' teachers... or illustrating above average in visual interprativeness... but more basically I myself, as my brother was 6 years older, had a problem with sharing... and the 'this is mine'... and 'you're ruining it'... a little bit controlling maybe? I'm ever amused. As having known and been convicted about this trait, have fought to curb it with varying degrees ever since. That and I stopped letting people draw in my Strawberry Shortcake coloring book and sacrificed the care bears instead.


Anonymous said...

Too funny.

~sarah said...

i love that you graded them yourself! : )