Sunday, February 4, 2007


today we used the close proximity of the neighbors for good not evil.

it was a balmy 78 in the shade and with the windows and doors thrown open after the long winter we heard the cheers and jeers of would be superbowl watchers... with the rain drenching florida, giving us a painful reminder we live in a mediterranean climate and others do not, i was completely conflicted over watching the game... so while Poirot solved crimes on the Biography channel, whenever we heard a punctuated- agghhhhh or yah!!!!! we flipped the channel and watched the instant replay. i have to say it all went really quickly. and it was a pretty good game. after a certain point though, say the 2nd quarter, the Bears did nothing significant but make us cringe, nevertheless it was a good day. we ate the grilled chicken the neighbors brought over, made pizza with spinach and pesto... and capped the night with parfaits and quilt making. the only unfortunate thing, perhaps a Poirot hangover tomorrow might bring, is work... but lets not think about that, let's think about the morning hike we did- and as we walked with the dogs i would punctuate the air with: i am in charge and! i will be dominant! and as we walked thru the pockets of brisk shade and the breathing warmth of the sun and grit i thought: if i only had time and strength to walk the entire mountain.

till tomorrow.


rc-d said...

poirot, poirot, being a real man i watched x-men 2.

Trey said...

wonder showzen.

Kurt said...

The chicken is meaningless. Get out that decibel meter and a steno pad. Documentation is everything in these cases!

Anonymous said...

I watched the Bowl commercials online today.

Yesterday I watched part of the Ghost Hunters marathon (and flipped to the Puppy Bowl...yes, I'll admit it...during commercials) while folding laundry.