Wednesday, October 12, 2005


yah, fog pics still in holding. damn creativity having to take so frickin long. Today i'm having some rampant unexplained anxiety. i'm perpetually nervous about something. it could be my lack of a pay check, but i don't think that totally explains it. i feel like i've missed something, or have forgotten something on my many lists. don't know what it could be exactly. maybe exercise. maybe a lot of things- it's at these times that the idea of a spiritual quest becomes appealing. where's my peyote. dust off the drums. and give me some visions outside myself. let me feel limitless. i don't want to be in the valleys any longer. i think i see a spider.

having no peyote i will take a shower, re-pot a couple plants and go to work, read, see a movie? maybe... and um, something something. none of which involve the high-places.


Anonymous said...

no tv and no beer make homer go...something something...

mendacious said...

yes!!! HA! oh my gosh.

urge to kill rising. fading. riiising. fading. ahhh.

better already.