Saturday, September 3, 2005

it's like heart-break

whenever I go to the theatre there is a dull resounding ache. i don't think i've ever missed something so much; not even my home gives me this longing. i can't explain my love for this all consuming place or how to find my way back there. it's quite a maddening conundrum. really. i'm afraid it's something I'll never get to- how do i write or show the story of my life and explain my love for the black box without sounding like a jackass, and how do i invest myself in other things and not die of heartbreak.


Roberto Shamasio said...

You gotta gotta gotta read, "the moviegoer".

By Walter Percy

Gotta. It's about this guy who watches movies. In New Orleans.

So you know you have too.

mendacious said...

i will! thank you wayfarer blogger.