Monday, July 11, 2005

good morning,

this is a quick post before i

1) do morning yoga- it's a far out concept. i haven't embraced it. i'm just trying it. if only i can get my ass up from in front of the computer. this of course is delaying it, and probably subconsciously in hopes that i won't do it- that i'll find it too late in the morning or too something, anything to avoid the good stretchy-ness.

2) shower, use tangerine scrub in order to go outside and attract hummingbirds.

3) play with dogs

4) take some pictures

5) work on script, website... there's a list of uncompleted bullet points.

6) read (it's a never fail)

Minor Confession: Have post-it-note from year ago up on my desk. It says: Build Website, Finish G-ma photos, Contests/Grants, CA paintings... Good to know I have the same goals as last year and that I'm actually working on them. Sure there was a year delay but perseverence takes a lot of time and there's no accounting for derailments or delays. That light in the tunnel might be an on coming train but I prefer to think there's an access door I jimmie open just in time.

Hopeful Realization: Sure God might be taking me toward a cliff, as in, how much trust is trust before i start the panic, fear and loathing button...(regarding a job, and a number of other things, let's be honest.) but as someone reminded me on Sunday- maybe He's leading me toward water- which would not involve drowning, and involve instead something like living, life-giving, and nourishing- which is something I soak up from the sun daily, or I should anyway.

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